Just learned today that both Ministry and Revolting Cocks released new albums this year. Took me a while to find out about those - obviously I don't read anything from the net anymore unless it's got RSS feed :P
If you're interested, you can stream the entire Ministry's latest album - Rio Grande Blood - for free [here].
On a side note: Google Trends works excellent also as a history recorder. I've seen a lot of people are comparing VB and C# on Google Trends; but to try something different, and with Eurovision Song Contest going on today and all, check out this popularity boost moment... ;)
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If words Atic Atac bring a nostalgic smile on your face, hurry up to Retrospec and download this excelent ZX Spectrum game remake for PC [just released today]. Now, I haven't been into gaming for some time, but 20+ years ago, this one had us kids pile up in front of the TV for whole afternoons after school...
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The Original,
Unaltered Star Wars Trilogy
is coming to DVD! Apparently available for a limited time (Sep-Dec), "attractively priced" 2-disc sets will include
the 2004 version of the movie. Very nice. You can never own too many Star Wars DVDs... :)
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Now it happened local time too :) Last night, two minutes and three seconds past one, the numbers aligned...
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A friend of mine recently showed be The Wayback Machine, a part of the Internet Archive. It's an online web-site archive, containing more than 55 billion web pages, collected over the internet in the past 10 years. And, like its title says, it really takes you back in time, when web sites were simple and, ... well, ugly ;) The journey through time begins with typing the web address of a web page you want to re-visit. The results show different time slots when that page was archived. And the archive really is huge! I immediately visited all the web pages of the companies I used to work for and author/maintain their web sites, including @kviz, a small web project, which I did for some of my friends. It was an entertainment web site, featuring various quizzes, solving which would get you prizes from sponsor companies etc. The application was written in classic ASP, included membership management, online quiz editing and publishing, polls, backed with the Access MDB database. A project run from 1999 through 2001 and I really enjoyed working on it. Now, looking 5 years back, I can only say... yes, things were so simple back then... :)
Now hurry and rediscover your own past...
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Google Mars... now you can start searching for a decent spot for your new future house. And if you happen to spot a Martian, I think you should:
a) contact Google and/or NASA, or
b) make that your last bottle of beer for tonight.
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26. February 2006 15:49
Andrej Tozon
Comments (0)
... and ten long months till Christmas... :P
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More pictures coming soon...
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22. December 2005 19:53
Andrej Tozon
Comments (0)
Signing off for a week or so. Happy holidays, everyone!
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Next time, when IIS resists starting the Web site because of the everything but informational "Unexpected error 0x8ffe2740", don't try to reinstall it. Just close down Skype or some other program, which might already be listening on port 80. [http://support.microsoft.com/?id=816944]
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