Andrej Tozon's blog

In the Attic


NTK2011: Slides and sample code: MVVM

MVVM is a topic that can easily take hours of discussion. Unfortunately, I only had less then one to talk about (at least some of) its goals, parts and possible implementations. Below is my slide deck:

And the code: download

The code is structured in a way that helps you see the changes in the code while progressing through the samples. Just follow the numbers (e.g. MainPage1, MainPage2, and so on). It’s mainly Silverlight code, with the last example being example of an easy transition to Windows Phone.

The sample application is a conference app that lets you see available sessions. I removed the online data endpoint so the online samples won’t work, but you’ll get the feel using the offline data provider. Speaking of data providers, there are three (online/Ntk, using OData endpoint, Offline (loads Xml file from resources), and Json (same as Ntk, just for getting data in Json format – you know, for the phone Winking smile).

Once again, I have to stress out that code is for demo purposes only - while it’s minimized one end, it may be overly complicated on the other. Also, Silverlight Toolkit and JSON.NET libraries that were added through Nuget are not included in the zip.

Ah yes, the slides are in Slovenian language.

Dynamic Forms Redux 2: Windows Phone 7

One of the more popular posts on my blog here were the Dynamic Forms for Silverlight series I did a couple of years ago. Dynamic forms are useful for cases when you want to compose a form on the server and the client just renders it based on the provided field types.

This days it’s all about Windows Phone 7 so I updated the sample to show how the same technique of creating custom forms on the client can work on the phone as well. The attached project contains both Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 projects, both sharing resources from the same shared project.

Source code for this article is available.

How it works

You compose your fields collection on the server, like in the following snippet:

Collection<DynamicFormField> form = new Collection<DynamicFormField>
    new DynamicFormField()
            Caption = "Name: ",
            Type = typeof (string).FullName
    new DynamicFormField()
            Caption = "Last name: ",
            Type = typeof (string).FullName
    new DynamicFormField()
            Caption = "Email: ",
            Type = "#Email#"
    new DynamicFormField()
            Caption = "Phone: ",
            Type = "#Phone#"
    new DynamicFormField()
            Caption = "Birth date: ",
            Type = typeof (DateTime).FullName
    new DynamicFormField()
            Caption = "Is employed: ",
            Type = typeof (bool).FullName,
            Value = false.ToString()
    new DynamicFormField()
            Caption = "Signature: ",
            Type = "#Signature#"

The above collection contains:

  • Name and Last name fields, which are regular strings (System.String),
  • Email and Phone fields, for which we want them to be special kinds of a string so we mark them as “#Email#” and #Phone#,
  • Birth date field – a regular Date,
  • Is Employed field, that is of type Boolean, and
  • Signature field, which will contain an actual written signature, therefore we mark it as "#Signature#-

On the client size, we use the same template selector I used in my previous posts, and templates for the above fields are defined as:

<Shared:FormFieldTemplateSelector DataType="{Binding Type}">
        <Shared:TemplateSelectorDataTemplate DataType="System.String">
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Value, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="400" />
        <Shared:TemplateSelectorDataTemplate DataType="#Email#">
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Value, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="400" 
                     InputScope="EmailUserName" />
        <Shared:TemplateSelectorDataTemplate DataType="#Phone#">
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Value, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="400" 
                     InputScope="TelephoneNumber" />
        <Shared:TemplateSelectorDataTemplate DataType="System.DateTime">
            <Controls:DatePicker Value="{Binding Value, Mode=TwoWay}"
                                 Width="400" />
        <Shared:TemplateSelectorDataTemplate DataType="System.Boolean">
            <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Value, Mode=TwoWay}" />
        <Shared:TemplateSelectorDataTemplate DataType="#Signature#">
            <Shared:SignaturePanel Width="400" Height="100" 
                    Strokes="{Binding Value, Mode=TwoWay, 
                    Converter={StaticResource strokesConverter}}" />

If you questioned the use of #Email# and #Phone# custom types instead of regular strings, the above snippet should make it clear – those were hints, intended for the (Windows Phone) client, so it can set the right input scopes for those fields.

This is how the form looks after the user fills it up:


Source code is available. Note that it’s only intended for showcasing the specific features and it’s far from production quality. Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone 7 (v4.2011.2) binary is not included, but was pulled in through NuGet.

Top 5 blog posts of mine in 2010

Thought I’d give this one a try – 5 posts that were accessed by visitors of my blog the most and were posted in 2010:

1. Add version 4 components to your Silverlight 3 application with MEF: I wrote about using MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) to import and offer additional capabilities to users that have Silverlight 4 installed (over the ones that only have Silverlight 3).
2. Reactive Extensions #3: Windows Phone 7: First look at Reactive Extensions for Windows Phone 7. I (re)used the same code I used with my Silverlight / WPF demos show ItemsControl items appearing with a nice animated way.
3. Silverlight Layout States with Reactive Extensions: This post laid the ground for the previous post, showing, how the effect is done.
4. Named & optional parameters in Silverlight 4: I wrote about named & optional parameters that were in the latest Silverlight 4 release. Mostly useful when dealing with Office interop.
5. Display “My Pictures” in Silverlight application at design time: An attempt to hack up a Silverlight design-time ViewModel that would look into your Pictures folder and display any pics that were there.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

My MEF articles published on SilverlightShow

My two-part article on rebuilding an existing Silverlight application to use MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) for “selective composition” is now live on (part 1, part 2). I took my Halloween Gallery application and made it pluggable so I can pull in different themes throughout the whole year (current themes include Halloween and Christmas).

Halloween Live Gallery Christmas gallery 

The original features are still there – geotagged photos are retrieved from Flickr API and the location where they were shot is shown on the Bing Map. If you’re interested in MEF, take a look at let me know what you think. The application will be released to Codeplex soon.

Display “My Pictures” in Silverlight application at design time

Following up on The ultimate hack for Silverlight in Blend post from Josh Smith, I tried to make Blend display pictures from the My Pictures folder right in my Silverlight application. Needless to say, it worked as advertised :)


The ViewModel is set through d:DataContext:

public class MainPageViewModel
    public MainPageViewModel()

    private void SetLocalPictures()
        string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures);
        IEnumerable<string> pictures = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder);
        Pictures = (
            from p in pictures 
            select new Uri(string.Format("file://{0}", p.Replace('\\', '/')), UriKind.Absolute)

    public Uri[] Pictures { get; set; }

The thing is that this code wouldn’t work with Silverlight application running in a non-trust mode – it would throw a security exception. However, setting this ViewModel as the run-time DataContext and running with elevated permissions, the pictures would get displayed as well.

And of course this works in Visual Studio 2010 designer too:


A nice alternative for Blend’s sample data…

My articles on SilverlightShow

A few of my Silverlight articles were published on the SilverlightShow site this past two months. The first one is an introduction to Silverlight/(WPF)/Blend behaviors, where I create a Silverlight Halloween Sound Player without writing a single line of code – the application is composed entirely in Expression Blend, using various behaviors.

Halloween Sound Player

I also used behaviors for another article, to showcase some of the new Silverlight 4 features: WebCam capture support, printing, drag/drop, clipboard, commanding, some databinding enhancements and implicit styling support. The result is a nice doodling application, which can be used to entertain your kids.Camdoodle

The third article was about creating a Europe Weather Map with Silverlight, showing current weather conditions for some of the larger cities in Europe. It was mostly about using the Bing Maps Silverlight Control SDK, but fun anyway.

Europe Weather map

You can expect more articles appearing on SilverlightShow in the next days/months. Leave a comment if you find them useful.

MVVM with WPF, Silverlight, and… Windows Forms

In my post-NTK09 conference blog post I mentioned one of my MVVM demos was about sharing a ViewModel between WPF, Silverlight and even Windows Forms application. I got a lot of requests for posting sample code online since then, which I intended to do earlier, but because the sample application code was closely related to the conference, I wanted to create a whole new sample application first and share that. Of course time passed and other things kept me busy from actually doing it. With Silverlight 4 Beta coming out recently, things progressed even further in so I decided to keep things as they were, and post the original sample code. I’ll explain it in few lines (and pictures) here, and the source code can be found here.

What’s it all about?

The purpose of the sample (and my NTK09 talk in general) was about the MVVM pattern principle and how it can be used to totally separate the User Interface from the business logic and data. The application I built was a conference session schedule viewer / editor. Technically, there are three application flavors: WPF, Silverlight and WinForms. They share the same data access (WCF service) and ViewModel. The only thing different between the three is their UI implementation.


Notice the small arrow overlay over the C# icon on Silverlight and WinForms PageViewModel.cs? That’s because both project are linking the original file from the WPF project, which I created first. That means that ViewModel is exactly the same across all three projects when they are compiled. And with all three project, this is the ViewModel that serves up the main page.

The WPF project

I created the WPF project to ‘just work’. I didn’t bother with styling and the looks, I intentionally left it ugly. I used Prism for commanding and WCF based web service for communicating the data.


The ‘Dan’ (Day) and ‘Kategorija’ (Category) serve as the filter for the session list on the left. Each combo box change results in a server request which returns new data for filling the session list. Other fields are editable session details fields. Three buttons on the top left correspond to New, Edit and Delete, in that order.

The Silverlight project

The Silverlight project differ from WPF in that that it’s in color :)


Prism is still used for commanding, but the UI is quite different. I even provided the View (above) and Edit (bottom) screens.

Silverlight Edit

As said, the difference between the WPF and Silverlight applications is just and only different XAML. And both have zero code-behind code. Moving on to…

The Windows Forms project

I  didn’t bother much with making Windows Forms project to work. I last coded anything in WinForms 2+ years ago so I suspect I won’t have to go there again… However, this is the UI I put together:

Windows Forms

It’s very similar to WPF, but data bindings perform much slower. Data bindings? There’s data bindings in WinForms too?

LOL. Sometimes I really do get questions like that. Anyway, let’s see the ‘code behind’. [There’s actually quite a few lines of code behind in Windows Forms because it’s used to instantiate and initialize all controls on the screen. That code is stored in the .designer file and I’m ignoring it as the code behind]

private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    PageViewModel viewModel = new PageViewModel();

    dayBox.DataBindings.Add("DataSource", viewModel, "Days");
    categoryBox.DataBindings.Add("DataSource", viewModel, "Categories");
    categoryBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
    speakerBox.DataBindings.Add("DataSource", viewModel, "Speakers");
    speakerBox.DisplayMember = "FullName";
    speakerBox.ValueMember = "Id";
    startTimeBox.DataBindings.Add("DataSource", viewModel, "TimeValues");
    endTimeBox.DataBindings.Add("DataSource", viewModel, "TimeValues");
    sessionList.DataBindings.Add("DataSource", viewModel, "Sessions");
    sessionList.DisplayMember = "Title";

        viewModel, "SelectedDay", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
        viewModel, "SelectedCategory", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
        viewModel, "SelectedSession", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
        viewModel, "SelectedSession.SpeakerId", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);

        viewModel, "SelectedSession.StartTime", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation);
        viewModel, "SelectedSession.EndTime", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation);
        viewModel, "SelectedSession.Title", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation);
        viewModel, "SelectedSession.Description", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation);

    newButton.Click += (s, ev) => 
        { viewModel.NewSessionCommand.Execute(null); };
    editButton.Click += (s, ev) => 
        { viewModel.EditSessionCommand.Execute(viewModel.SelectedSession); };
    deleteButton.Click += (s, ev) => 
        { viewModel.DeleteSessionCommand.Execute(viewModel.SelectedSession); };
    saveButton.Click += (s, ev) => 
        { viewModel.EndEditSessionCommand.Execute(viewModel.SelectedSession); };
    cancelButton.Click += (s, ev) => 
        { viewModel.CancelEditSessionCommand.Execute(viewModel.SelectedSession); };

This is all the code for the main form. You’ll notice it’s all used for binding controls to various properties on the ViewModel. I could also get rid of some of the lines by setting the properties on the WinForms designer (thus moving them to the .designer file). The last section wires button clicks to execute commands in the ViewModel.

There is absolutely no business logic in this code which makes it very similar to declarative XAML in WPF and Silverlight projects. I was toying with the idea of making an Extender Provider to get rid of the above lines completely and do it all just with the Windows Forms designer – I made a working prototype, but wasn’t generic enough to include it in the sample.

Source code

Bellow is the full source for all three main and related projects. Also included is the Test project with a few Silverlight Unit Test Framework tests. Database is not included so you’ll not be able to actually run any of the applications. Sorry. I’ll post the Silverlight version online when time permits.

Silverlight LOB: Validation (#2 – Annotations and shared classes)

In my previous post, I wrote about “the first line of defense” against inputting invalid data in Silverlight applications (or any kind of application, for that matter) – preventing the user from entering invalid data through some an input form. Input form fields are commonly directly bound to the underlying object’s properties – either directly or through a of value converter – in both cases the entered value gets assigned to the bound object’s property; and this is exactly the place where we would want to put our second line of defense.

Silverlight 3 supports data validation. The majority of controls now feature new visual states for presenting themselves whenever they are associated with invalid data. Putting a control into the invalid state is as easy as throwing an exception in its bound property’s setter code:

public DateTime BirthDate
    get { return birthDate; }
        if (birthDate == value)

        if (birthDate > DateTime.Today)
            throw new ArgumentException("The birth date is invalid.");

        birthDate = value;

When the property is set to an invalid date, the exception gets thrown. This exception is then caught by the data binding engine, which in turn triggers the BindingValidationError event, prompting the control to go to invalid state:


This kind of notification can be enabled by setting binding’s ValidatesOnExceptions and NotifyOnValidationError properties to true.


There is another way to perform validation over entity’s properties:  by using validators from the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotation assembly. What you do is put an appropriate attribute above the property definition, describing the kind of validation to performed over property value.

[Required(ErrorMessage = "The date of birth is required.")]
public DateTime BirthDate
    get { return birthDate; }
        if (birthDate == value)

        birthDate = value;

You can even write your own validation attributes by deriving from the ValidationAttribute class and overriding the validation method. Here’s an example to match my first method of validation (throwing an exception in property setter):

public class BirthDateValidationAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, 
ValidationContext validationContext) { if (value == null) { return ValidationResult.Success; } DateTime date = (DateTime)value; if (date > DateTime.Today) { return new ValidationResult("The birth date is invalid."); } return ValidationResult.Success; } }

Let’s put this to work. Say we’re using shared entity classes in our project; a kind of a real world scenario. When projects are set up as described in my previous blog entry, we immediately bump into a problem – decorating the Person’s BirthDate property with the new BirthDateValidationAttribute results with the compilation error: it’s just that full .NET framework’s ValidationAttribute implementation differs form how Silverlight’s version is implemented and therefore above BirthDateValidationAttribute can’t be shared between both entity projects:

Client side: protected abstract ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
Server side: public abstract bool IsValid(object value)

To work around this, we need to create a dummy validator attribute class in the server side entity project, having the same name as its client counterpart, except always returning true as the validation result:

public class BirthDateValidationAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        return true;


Instead of throwing an exception from the property trigger as in the previous example, we can now simply call the validation method, which would validate against every ValidationAttribute defined for the property.

Modified Property definition (Validate() method is called instead of throwing an exception):

public DateTime BirthDate
    get { return birthDate; }
        if (birthDate == value)

        Validate("BirthDate", value);
        birthDate = value;

Because we only want to validate properties on the client, we need to implement the Validate() method just on the client side. But since the Person class is shared, we really have to include this method on both sides, except we would implement it differently.

In the end, Validate() method on the client is defined as:

private void Validate(string propertyName, object value)
    Validator.ValidateProperty(value, new ValidationContext(this, null, null)
        MemberName = propertyName,

… while the server side method can be left empty:

private void Validate(string propertyName, object value)

Single base class for entities?

To avoid having duplicate validation methods for all entities, it’s best to put it in a single base page, where you would put all the common entity code (like INotifyPropertyChanged etc.). In this case, partial methods are going to prove themselves very useful:

Main base class part:

partial void ValidateProperty(string propertyName, object value);
protected void Validate(string propertyName, object value)
    ValidateProperty(propertyName, value);

Client side base class part:

public partial class EntityBase
    partial void ValidateProperty(string propertyName, object value)
        Validator.ValidateProperty(value, new ValidationContext(this, null, null)
            MemberName = propertyName,

We can just leave the server side base class part out and forget about it. The best thing with with partial methods is that you don’t have to provide any implementation if you don’t want to – in which case the method simply won’t be called.

Source code for this project is available:

Silverlight LOB: Validation (#1)

When taking about data validation in applications, I usually describe the validation as the five-stage process or, put differently, five lines of defense against invalid data. In this post, I’ll write about the first line of defense – preventing the user entering the wrong data.

1. Preventing invalid input

This one’s logical, really. A user enters the data through input fields on some kind of input form, so naturally this would be the best place to put our first line of defense.

The first line of defense is about preventing user to enter invalid data into input fields. This doesn’t mean that if done proper and thorough, we wouldn’t need other places to check the data; it’s just the best place to filter out majority of faulty input that can happen during manual data entry. The goal here is to catch as many invalid data as possible, as soon as possible. This wouldn’t result only in better application responsiveness (no unnecessary trips to the server), the immediate feedback of invalid entry will provide a better user experience, possibly even educate the user to learn from her mistakes.

So, what are we talking about here?

A simple TextBox might not be the best solution for entering only numeric data. Seeing the TextBox on the input form, the user might expect she can enter anything she likes into the box, even if the label, put close by the input box, is saying to her: “Enter your age”. A kind of a NumericUpDown control visually gives user a much better idea of what should go into that box, plus she gets an option of manipulating that value; in this case, it’s adjusting the value with the Up and Down keys. In Windows Forms, for example, I liked to use a TextBox with a calculator dropdown for entering decimal data. Masked input boxes also work well, when you want the user to enter the data in a specific format.

If you don’t want to provide any visual clues that only numeric data should be entered in the input field and go for the standard TextBox, it’s very much recommended to handle the input for yourself and only allow numeric keys through. This is usually done by hooking into KeyDown event – either in codebehind class, or even better – with a custom TextBox behavior.

Yet another good example of filtering the data input to the underlying data type, is the DatePicker control. You can usually set the range of valid dates that can be selected and control whether or not date entry is required. With Silverlight DatePicker, it appears that date entry is always optional, even if bound to a non-nullable DateTime data type. Tabbing out of the DatePicker will leave the input box empty, but the bound property will still contain the old value. Hooking into DateValidationError or BindingValidationError event wouldn’t help so I tried to handle this case by manipulating the Selected date in the SelectedDateChanged event. Instead of doing it in the codebehind class, I created the following behavior:

public class RequiredDatePickerBehavior : Behavior<DatePicker>
    protected override void OnAttached()
        AssociatedObject.SelectedDateChanged += OnSelectedDateChanged;

    protected override void OnDetaching()
        AssociatedObject.SelectedDateChanged -= OnSelectedDateChanged;

    private void OnSelectedDateChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (e.AddedItems.Count == 0 && e.RemovedItems.Count > 0)
            AssociatedObject.SelectedDate = (DateTime)e.RemovedItems[0];

… which can be used as:

<controls:DatePicker SelectedDate="{Binding BirthDate, Mode=TwoWay}"
                     Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">
        <local:RequiredDatePickerBehavior />

Attaching this behavior to the DatePicker will revert the date to the last valid value in case of deleting the text from the input box and thus making the DatePicker non-nullable.

Behaviors in general are a great way to extend an existing type (or types) of control and can be used for a variety of things. In this post I’ve shown a way to enhance the Silverlight DatePicker control to prevent entering empty values in cases when date is required. Remember next time you’ll find yourself coding KeyDown or similar control event handler in page’s codebehind class: consider writing a behavior!

To be continued…

Shout it

Adventures in Silverlight LOB: The beginning

This is the beginning of what’s going to be yet another series focusing on developing LOB applications with Silverlight. I’ve been wanting to write more on this topic since NTK, but there was always something else… In the series, I’ll build a sample application, similar to what I’ve been presenting on NTK. Each post will focus on a specific area, technique or a trick, and show the actual implementation in the sample LOB app, following different patterns I’ve been using in application development in past couple of years. Any comments are welcome.

In this first post, we’ll set up the initial environment for the sample app and write a few words about sharing entities between client and server. This has already been discussed a lot, so I won’t get into greater detail, I’ll just focus on the main points.

Creating a new project

When creating a new Silverlight project, Visual Studio will ask you about creating the accompanying web project as well. The web project will host our data services so it’s kind of important to leave it be.

Adding the entities projects

Create two projects that will host the shared entities. One project will be referenced from the web project (server side), while the other one will be referenced from the Silverlight project (client side). Entity sharing is done in two steps. First is the physical sharing of the files – the “main” entity project would contain the original entity files, while the “supporting” entity project would only host copies of the entity files. Choosing “Add as Link” option in Visual Studio’s Add Item dialog will create a “copy” of the original file, meaning that you’re going to have to change the contents of the file in one place only, while it will be compiled in two different projects.

A couple of notes:

  • I usually choose the server side entity project to include the original files, and the client side would include the linked files.
  • When adding new entities to the main entity project, add the linked files to the other project before regenerating the service proxy; creating the proxy before that will make a proxy copy of the entity class which may result in some confusion when working with that entity.
  • It’s a good thing to declare your entity classes as partial, because you can later extend them with specific functionality on either server or client side.
  • When I started on my LOB apps several months ago, I had the following rule regarding marking entities with WCF serialization attributes: when all properties are going to be serialized, don’t mark any; when at least one shouldn’t be serialized, mark those, which should be. Later in the project I found out that it’s much more future-proof and consistent to always mark properties with proper serialization attributes.
  • As I’m seeing this is not a general practice with Silverlight developers, I still always separate the WCF contract (interface) from the service implementation. We’ll se how/if we can benefit from such approach later in the series.

So far, the solution looks like this:


We started with a single entity called Person and the DemoService will be used to access the “database”. To keep it simple, the Database class will pose as an in-memory database.

Creating the client

The sample app uses a typical MVVM approach – a ViewModel, instantiating a service proxy and handling the communication with the service, with a View, responsible for displaying the data. The user can browse through the list of persons by clicking their name in the ListBox, while full details are being displayed next to it. I’m not using any real commanding yet, ListBox’s SelectedItem is bound two-way to appropriate VM property, which is also the source for the detail UI. All-in-all, very basic and common setup, which will be the starting ground for all next articles in the series. In the next part, we’ll add a support for editing a Person entity.

Run the application

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