Andrej Tozon's blog

In the Attic


Microsoft Cognitive Services - Computer Vision

Similar to Face API, Computer Vision API service deals with image recognition, though on a bit wider scale. Computer Vision Cognitive Service can recognize different things on a photo and tries to describe what's going on - with a formed statement that describes the whole photo, a list of tags,  describing objects and living things on it, or, similar to Face API, detect faces. It can event do basic text recognition (printed or handwritten).

Create a Computer Vision service resource on Azure

To start experimenting with Computer Vision API, you have to first add the service on Azure dashboard.


The steps are almost identical to what I've described in my Face API blog post, so I'm not going to describe all the steps; the only thing worth of a mention is the pricing: there are currently two tiers: the free tier (F0) is free and allows for 20 API calls per minute and 5.000 calls per month, while the standard tier (S1) offers up to 10 calls per second. Check the official pricing page here.

Hit the Create button and wait for service to be created and deployed (should take under a minute). You get a new pair of key to access the service; the keys are, again, available through the  Resource Management -> Keys section.

Trying it out

To try out the service yourself, you can either try the official documentation page with ready-to-test API testing console, or you can download a C# SDK from nuget (source code with samples for UWP, Android & iOS (Swift).

Also, source code used in this article is available from my Cognitive Services playground app repository.

For this blog post, I'll be using the aforementioned C# SDK.

When using the SDK, The most universal API call for Computer Vision API is the AnalyzeImageAsync:

var result = await visionClient.AnalyzeImageAsync(stream, new[] {VisualFeature.Description, VisualFeature.Categories, VisualFeature.Faces, VisualFeature.Tags});
var detectedFaces = result?.Faces;
var tags = result?.Tags;
var description = result?.Description?.Captions?.FirstOrDefault().Text; var categories = result?.Categories;

Depending on visualFeatures parameter, the AnalyzeImageAsync can return one or more types of information (some of them also separately available by calling other methods):

  • Description: one on more sentences, describing the content of the image, described in plain English,
  • Faces: a list of detected faces; unlike the Face API, the Vision API returns age and gender for each of the faces,
  • Tags: a list of tags, related to image content,
  • ImageType: whether the image is a clip art or a line drawing,
  • Color: the dominant colors and whether it's a black and white image,
  • Adult: indicates whether the image contains adult content (with confidentiality scores),
  • Categories: one or more categories from the set of 86 two-level concepts, according to the following taxonomy:

The details parameter lets you specify a domain-specific models you want to test against. Currently, two models are supported: landmarks and celebrities. You can call the ListModelsAsync method to get all models that are supported, along with categories they belong to.


Another fun feature of Vision API is recognizing text in image, either printed or handwritten.

var result = await visionClient.RecognizeTextAsync(stream);
Region = result?.Regions?.FirstOrDefault();
Words = Region?.Lines?.FirstOrDefault()?.Words;
The RecognizeTextAsync method will return a list of regions where printed text was detected, along with general image text angle and orientation. Each region can contain multiple lines of (presumably related) text, and each line object will contain a list of detected words. Region, Line and Word will also return coordinates, pointing to a region within image where that piece of information was detected.
Also worth noting is the RecognizeTextAsync takes additional parameters:
language – the language to be detected in the image (default is “unk” – unknown),
detectOrientation – detects the image orientation based on orientation of detected text (default is true).

Source code and sample app for this blog post is available on github.

Microsoft Cognitive Services - playground app

I've just published my Cognitive Services sample app to github. Currently it's limited to Face API service, but I'll work on expanding it to cover other services as well.

The Microsoft Cognitive Service Playground app aims to support:

  • managing person groups,
  • managing persons,
  • associating faces with persons,
  • training person groups,
  • detecting faces on photos,
  • identifying faces.

Basic tutorial

1. Download/clone the solution, open it in Visual Studio 2017 and run.

2. Enter the key in the Face API Key text box. If you don't already have a Face API access key, read this blog post on how to get it.


3. Click the Apply button.

4. If the key is correct, you will be asked to persist the key for future use. Click Yes if you want it to be stored in application local data folder - it will be read back every time application is started (note: the key is stored in plain text, not encrypted).


5. Click the Add group button.


6. Enter the group name and click Add.


7. Select the newly created group and start adding persons.

8. Click the Add person button.


9. Enter person's name and click Add. The person will be added to the selected group.


10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 to add more persons in the same group.

11. Click the Open image button and pick an image with one or more faces on it.


12. The photo should be displayed and if any faces were detected, they should appear framed in rectangles. If not, try with different photo.


13. Select a person from the list and click on the rectangle around the face that belongs to that person. A context menu should appear.


14. Select the Add this face to selected person option. The face is now associated with selected person.

15. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for different photos and different persons. Try associating multiple faces to every single person.

16. Click the Train group button. Training status should appear. Wait for the status to change to Succeeded. Your group is trained!


17. Open a new photo, preferably one you haven't use before for training, but featuring a face that belongs to one of the persons in the group. Ensure the face is detected (the rectangle is drawn around it).


18. Click on the rectangle and select Identify this face.


19. With any luck (and the power of AI), the rectangle will get the proper name tag. Previously unknown face has just got a name attached to it!


20. Enjoy experimenting with different photos and different faces ;)

21. Revisit my older blog posts on the subject (here and here).

Microsoft Cognitive Services - Face identification

In today's Cognitive Services post, things are going to get a bit more interesting - we're moving from face detection to face identification. The difference is that we're not only going to detect there is a face (or more faces) present on a photo, but actually identify the person that face belongs to. But to do that, we need to teach the AI about people we'd like to keep track of. Even a computer can't identify someone it has never "seen" and has no information of how they look like.

The Face API identification works on a principle of groups - you create a group of people, attach one ore more faces to each group member, to finally be able to find out if the face on your new photo belongs to any member of that group. [The alternative to groups are face lists, but in I'll stick with groups for now.]

The Face API supports everything you need for managing groups, people and their faces. Here I'm expanding my Universal Windows demo application I've started building in my previous post.

Creating a person group with C# SDK is simple:

await client.CreatePersonGroupAsync(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "My family");
CreatePersonGroupAsync method takes a group ID for first parameter (easiest to use is to provide a GUID if you don't have other preferences or requirements), while the second name is a friendly name of the group that can be displayed throughout your app. There's a third - optional - parameter that takes any custom data you want to be associated with the group.

Once you've created one or more group, you can retrieve them using the ListPersonGroupsAsync method:
var personGroups = await client.ListPersonGroupsAsync();

You can start adding people to your group by calling the CreatePersonAsync, which is very similar to the above CreatePersonGroupAsync:

var result = await client.CreatePersonAsync(personGroupId, "Andrej");

The first parameter is the same personGroupId (GUID) I've used with the above method and identifies the person group. The second parameter is the name of the person you're adding. Again, there's a third parameter for optional user data if you want some additional data to associate with that person. The return result object contains a GUID of added person.

And again, you can now list all the persons in a particular group by calling the ListPersonsAsync method:

var persons = await client.ListPersonsAsync(personGroupId);

A quick note here: both ListPersonGroupsAsync and ListPersonsAsync support paging to limit the returned result set.

Once you've added a few persons in a person group, it's time to give those persons faces.

Prepare a few photos of each person and start adding their faces. It's easier to use photos with single person on it to avoid one extra step of selecting particular face on the photo to be associated with a person. If only one face is detected on a photo, that one face will be added to the selected person.

var file = await fileOpenPicker.PickSingleFileAsync();
using (var stream = await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
    var result = await client.AddPersonFaceAsync(personGroupId, personId, stream);

It takes just a personGroupId, personId and a photo file stream for AddPersonFaceAsync method to add a face to a person (personId) in a person group (personGroupId). There are two more parameters though - userData is again used for providing additional data to that face, while the last parameter - targetFace - takes a rectangle with pixel coordinates on the photo that bounds the face you want to add. Also, instead of uploading a photo stream you can use a method overload taking a valid URL that returns a photo containing a person's face.
The returned result of the above method will return the ID of persisted face that was just associated with a person.

To check how many faces are associated with specific person, simply call the GetPersonAsync method:

var person = await client.GetPersonAsync(personGroupId, personId);

The returned person object will contain person's ID, name, user data and an array of persisted faces' IDs.

I've found that adding around 3 faces for a person is good enough for successfully identifying people in various conditions. However, I'd recommend adding faces in different conditions for improved accuracy (summer/winter, different hair styles, lightning conditions, ...) Also, I believe adding a few faces every now and then would help in keeping the data in sync with the latest looks (like when kids are growing up).


Now that we have at least one group with a few persons in it, and every person is associated with a few faces, it's time to train that group.

await client.TrainPersonGroupAsync(personGroupId);

Simply call the TrainPersonGroupAsync method with the group ID to start the training process. How much it takes depends on how many persons are in the group and the number of faces, but for a small(er) amounts it usually takes a few seconds. To check the training status, call the GetPersonGroupTrainingStatusAsync method:

var status = await client.GetPersonGroupTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

The returned status includes an actual field 'status' that indicates the training status: notstarted, running, succeeded and failed. You'll be mostly interested in succeeded and failed statuses. When you get succeeded, it means your data is trained and ready to use. In case of failed something went wrong and you should check another field returned with status - the message field should report what went wrong.

Face identification

Finally, with everything in place, we get to the fun part - identifying faces.

Face identification is a two-way process. First you need to call the Face API to detect faces on your photo, like in. This call will return detected face's ID (or more, if multiple faces were detected). Using that ID you need to call the actual identification API to check if that face matches any of persisted faces in the particular group.    

var file = await fileOpenPicker.PickSingleFileAsync();
Face[] faces;
using (var stream = await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
    faces = await client.DetectAsync(stream);
} var faceIds = faces.Select(i => i.FaceId).ToArray(); var identifyResults = await client.IdentifyAsync(personGroupId, faceIds); foreach (var identifyResult in identifyResults)
{ var candidate = identifyResult.Candidates.FirstOrDefault(); if (candidate != null) { var person = await client.GetPersonAsync(personGroupId, candidate.PersonId); Console.WriteLine($"{person.Name} was identified (with {candidate.Confidence) confidence!"); } }

In the above code snippet, three API methods are marked bold: DetectAsync detects faces in the photo (see previous post for more info). It will return face detected face IDs we need for the next call (note: face IDs are stored on servers for 24 hours only, after that they will no longer be available). Taking those IDs, we call the IdentifyAsync metod, also providing the personGroupId. The Face API service will then take provided face IDs and compare those faces with all the faces in the group to return results. The results contain an array of candidates for each face match; having a candidate doesn't necessarily mean we got a perfect match! We can check candidate's Confidence property that return the match confidence score - higher it is, more we can trust the resulting match). To finally get to the name of the person identified, we call the GetPersonAsync method with the identified person's ID.

That's it for person, groups and faces management and basic face identification. I'll get to the more practical examples of face identification in the next posts. 

Also check out the sample code on github.

Microsoft Cognitive Services - using a Face API SDK

Once you have a Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API set up (see previous post), it's very easy to consume because they are based on a familiar JSON-based REST API. That means you can either access your services by rolling your own code or use one of existing SDKs that are available for most common platforms - Windows, iOS, Android and Python.

For example - if you're developing a Windows application, you'd use this NuGet package.

In fact, let's build a fresh Windows UWP app that uses Face API Cognitive Service...

1. Fire up Visual Studio (2017!) and start a new Windows Universal | Blank app project.

2. Go to NuGet Package Manager and update all existing packages.

3. Browse for and install 'Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face' package.

4. Open MainForm.xaml and put this short piece of XAML UI inside the Page tag:

<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
    <TextBox x:Name="FaceApiKeyBox" Header="Face API Key" Grid.Row="0" />
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Row="1">
        <Button Content="Browse" Click="OnBrowseForImage" />
    <Viewbox Grid.Row="2">
        <Grid VerticalAlignment="Center">
            <Image x:Name="Image" Stretch="None" />
            <Grid x:Name="FacesGrid"/>

5. Add code for that single event handler. I'll break it down in smaller pieces...

5a. Pick a file. If file wasn't picked, do nothing.

private async void OnBrowseForImage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var file = new FileOpenPicker();
    file.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary;
    file.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;

    var fileName = await file.PickSingleFileAsync();
    if (fileName == null) return;
5b. Open selected file, put its contents into a visual control named Image and use the same file stream to call Face API. Not how FaceServiceClient is instantiated (providing key and endpoint). Providing endpoint may currently be optional, depending on which endpoint you've registered your service with.
Face[] detectedFaces;
using (var currentStream = await fileName.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
    var bitmap = new BitmapImage();
    await bitmap.SetSourceAsync(currentStream.AsRandomAccessStream());
    Image.Source = bitmap;
    currentStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

    var client = new FaceServiceClient(FaceApiKeyBox.Text, "");
    detectedFaces = await client.DetectAsync(currentStream);

DetectAsync method will upload image data and ask the service to detect any faces it could find and return their data.

5c. Finally, we'll take that data and draw rectangle around detected faces.

var red = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
var white = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
var transparent = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);

foreach (var face in detectedFaces)
    var rectangle = new Rectangle
        Width = face.FaceRectangle.Width,
        Height = face.FaceRectangle.Height,
        StrokeThickness = 4,
        Stroke = red,
        Fill = transparent

    var textBlock = new TextBlock {Foreground = white};

    var border = new Border
        Padding = new Thickness(5),
        Background = red,
        BorderThickness = new Thickness(0),
        Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed,
        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
        Child = textBlock

    var stackPanel = new StackPanel();
    stackPanel.Margin = new Thickness(face.FaceRectangle.Left, face.FaceRectangle.Top, 0, 0);
    stackPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
    stackPanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
    stackPanel.DataContext = face;


6. Run the application.

7. Enter the Face API key that you've got from registering your Azure Face API service.

8. Browse for an image file.

9. Wait for the result.

I've used Microsoft's C#/Windows NuGet package to ease my way to using Cognitive Services Face API in my application. Remember there are more SDKs available for you to use on other platforms too! Including some links to their project pages - here's Android, iOS, and Python.

Full source code used for this blog post is available on github.

Microsoft Cognitive Services - Starting with Face API

I've started using Microsoft Cognitive Services a while back for the purpose of learning and using their features for my smart home scenarios. Now that they've moved to Azure, access to old services' home is coming to an end and old access keys are expiring. I couldn't find any way to properly migrate my old services data I've trained (like people's faces) to Azure, so I've decided to start from scratch, beginning with service creation. This blog post will deal with a new Cognitive Service creation, specifically adding a new Faces API service.

Microsoft Cognitive Services

Microsoft Cognitive Services is a set of APIs that employ powerful machine learning algorithms to provide application developers with intelligent features like image and voice recognition, face identification and language understanding. Starting under the code name Project Oxford and with limited availability for testing, Cognitive Services evolved significantly over the time and were recently moved to the Microsoft Azure Portal.

Faces API

Face API consists of two main group of APIs: face detection and face recognition. While face detection API can detect people faces in provided images, along with face's attributes (gender, age, emotion, makeup, ...) and position on that image (face, mouth, eyes, nose, ...), face recognition can actually recognize detected faces on an image, if detected face matches one of those in previously trained data.

Creating a new Face API service in Azure

Head to and log into your account. Hit New (the big green plus) and search for Cognitive Services. You'll get a bunch of available apps in the results; select Face API.

In the above screen, enter required data and click Create. Before that, consider selecting the right pricing tier for you. In the time of this writing, there are two tiers available:

  • Free tier (F0) costs nothing, but is limited to 20 calls per minute and overall 30,000 calls per month,
  • Standard tier (S0) is limited to 10 calls per second and calls cost per the table below

There is also a cost for stored images, if you need face identification and matching capabilities.

Now that Face API resource is created, the most important thing is to take note of the pair of access keys that are available through the Resource Management -> Keys section. 

These keys are associated with your Azure account will allow you to access Face API endpoints. Let's try them live with API testing console!

Testing with API keys

Cognitive Services APIs have excellent documentation, with ready to test API console; you can even choose which Azure you want to use (note that not every service is available in every region)

Here's link to use West Central US endpoints: Following it will land you on API documentation page with an entry form used to supply required and optional parameters. Note that API keys only work for the same region you picked when creating API service on Azure.

Query parameters lets you pick what you want the service to return. If any faces are detected, setting returnFaceId will get you IDs of that faces if you need them for subsequent calls. returnFaceLandmarks will, if set to true, return positions of various face landmarks, if they were detected. For returnFaceAttributes, simply list what attributes you want to be returned. In the above example, I'm interested in age and gender of any detected face.

Don't forget to enter or paste your API key into the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key field.

Finally, use request body to enter a valid image URL you want to test with and hit the Send button below.

If everything went OK, you should get a HTTP 200 response with a detailed JSON result (I've clipped some of the response below to shorten it):

    "faceId": "***********************************",
    "faceRectangle": {
      "top": 79,
      "left": 57,
      "width": 43,
      "height": 43
    "faceLandmarks": {
      "pupilLeft": {
        "x": 66.4,
        "y": 94.3
      "pupilRight": {
        "x": 83.9,
        "y": 88.1
      "noseTip": {
        "x": 79.4,
        "y": 102.0
      "mouthLeft": {
        "x": 71.9,
        "y": 113.0
      "mouthRight": {
        "x": 90.5,
        "y": 106.8
      "eyebrowLeftOuter": {
        "x": 59.5,
        "y": 93.6
      "eyebrowLeftInner": {
        "x": 70.2,
        "y": 90.1
... ... ...
    "faceAttributes": {
      "gender": "male",
      "age": 64.8
    "faceId": "***********************************",
"faceRectangle": { "top": 50, "left": 88, "width": 39, "height": 39 }, "faceLandmarks": { ... ... ... "noseRightAlarOutTip": { "x": 114.9, "y": 71.0 }, "upperLipTop": { "x": 110.3, "y": 77.4 }, "upperLipBottom": { "x": 110.7, "y": 78.2 }, "underLipTop": { "x": 112.3, "y": 81.7 }, "underLipBottom": { "x": 113.2, "y": 83.8 } }, "faceAttributes": { "gender": "female", "age": 60.0 } } ]

Wrap up

Now that Face API Cognitive Service is up and running, you can do interesting things with it. This blog post was about setting the service up, follow up posts will focus on on use cases and other Cognitive Services.