Andrej Tozon's blog

In the Attic


Code'n'slides from this year's NTK conference

The following are the links to the materials I used on my talks on this year's NTK08 conference:

What's new in Windows Presentation Foundation 3.5?

Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 [2+hr Hands-On-Lab]

All materials are in Slovenian language, C# solutions will open and build with VS2008.

Thanks everyone for attending any of my talks. To learn more about the things that were discussed, feel free to contact me through my blog's contact page.

On a side note: Just a day before my WPF talk, a .NET FX 3.5 SP1 and VS2008 SP1 were made available for download. .NET FX 3.5. SP1 includes many WPF improvements/additions, some of which I'll try to cover in future posts. In the mean time, check out the WPF Week videos on Channel 9. The videos are all about WPF SP1 and were published last week.